I really would like to go back to bed, but doesn't look like it will happen.
It seems that I have a sick daughter , she has a very nasty migraine and can't keep anything down.I put her to bed , and keep things kinda quiet.
I have 2 pieces of the sweater done and am working on the right front,after this just the sleeves.Just an update.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Tuesday Suspense
Good morning on this beautiful cool day. Sun is shining, and there is a light breeze, will or won't we get a frost tonight, we will see.
Hubby's car has decided it wants to be a "just in town car" it over heats like nobodies business, if you venture more than 2 miles. So Friday we will be picking up a 2001 Buick Park Avenue, for his car, it's a beautiful car looks like it was taken pretty good care of and rides nice, he compares it to what a Lazy Boy would be like if it was a car.I still call his current car a death trap.
Getting ready to start the real knitting now, that the weather is cooler, Mary is working hard at school and at her crafting. It's been hard lately because of"Migraines, the humidity induced kind. ducking out for a bit.
Hubby's car has decided it wants to be a "just in town car" it over heats like nobodies business, if you venture more than 2 miles. So Friday we will be picking up a 2001 Buick Park Avenue, for his car, it's a beautiful car looks like it was taken pretty good care of and rides nice, he compares it to what a Lazy Boy would be like if it was a car.I still call his current car a death trap.
Getting ready to start the real knitting now, that the weather is cooler, Mary is working hard at school and at her crafting. It's been hard lately because of"Migraines, the humidity induced kind. ducking out for a bit.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
August Blues
Here it is the 25th of August , 10 days till school starts, Mary's senior year. I feel ancient .Finished up the bi-monthly grocery shopping, and waiting patiently for hubby to get home.
The little people who inhabit my home did not cough up my long distance spectacles, therefore sending me to get 2 new pair at Eyemart. I have been buying one prescription long distance pair and one prescription reading pair.. This time I bough two pair of no-line bifocals, one regular, one sunglasses. I figure as long as the stay on my head most of the time I shouldn't lose them. The kids have taken bets on how long this will actual work.Doesn't sound like they have much faith in 'dear ole mom'.
Still knitting on the baby blanket , I feel as though I have hit that black hole or some type of space, time continuum and have yet to come through to the other side. Doesn't seem to be getting any larger, Could be that I just want to set it aside and knit that sweater hubby got the yarn and needles for.My birthday present. Shades of Tolkien.
On the music front at least two more parades , the Cow Chip festival in Sauk City and Fall festival in Wisconsin Dells, it has a Native American name , but I can't remember it. with the Wisconsin sheep and wool festival in the middle , so for the first three weekends in September we will be busy.
Planning on a side trip down to southwestern Wisconsin just to visit some of my old stomping grounds and show Mary , The university of Wisconsin at Platteville. They have a great genealogical department. the archives go pretty far back.I have used it many times looking for ancestors and new stories. well I am stopping for now ducking on out , dishes are calling to me, as well as the laundry. Take care and keep your powder dry.
The little people who inhabit my home did not cough up my long distance spectacles, therefore sending me to get 2 new pair at Eyemart. I have been buying one prescription long distance pair and one prescription reading pair.. This time I bough two pair of no-line bifocals, one regular, one sunglasses. I figure as long as the stay on my head most of the time I shouldn't lose them. The kids have taken bets on how long this will actual work.Doesn't sound like they have much faith in 'dear ole mom'.
Still knitting on the baby blanket , I feel as though I have hit that black hole or some type of space, time continuum and have yet to come through to the other side. Doesn't seem to be getting any larger, Could be that I just want to set it aside and knit that sweater hubby got the yarn and needles for.My birthday present. Shades of Tolkien.
On the music front at least two more parades , the Cow Chip festival in Sauk City and Fall festival in Wisconsin Dells, it has a Native American name , but I can't remember it. with the Wisconsin sheep and wool festival in the middle , so for the first three weekends in September we will be busy.
Planning on a side trip down to southwestern Wisconsin just to visit some of my old stomping grounds and show Mary , The university of Wisconsin at Platteville. They have a great genealogical department. the archives go pretty far back.I have used it many times looking for ancestors and new stories. well I am stopping for now ducking on out , dishes are calling to me, as well as the laundry. Take care and keep your powder dry.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Mouse in the house
Having just got back from playing in the "Susie's the duck day parade" I was greeted by my darling daughter stating that she had two serious problems that she needed my help with, one was a snarl in her waist length hair, where she couldn't reach it and the fact she woke to a mouse in her waste paper basket.It was still alive.
The hair problem was quickly taken care of, the mouse on the other was dealt with swiftly, efficiently involving a white garbage bag and the outdoors, I didn't want Archie or Simba a chance at the poor thing, I figured it was scared enough. The bag went over the trash can and Mary brought the trash can down stairs , I took it outside and released in the grass, It made a mad dash for the tree line. Hopefully not to make a second visit inside our home. A quick lecture on this is what happens when you forget to take food out of your room and the need to keep things picked up was given, will it work, we will just have to wait and see.
The craft room is complete, Mary has been sewing in there and I have been doing some knitting,.I am going to duck out for awhile and I'll get back to you soon.
The hair problem was quickly taken care of, the mouse on the other was dealt with swiftly, efficiently involving a white garbage bag and the outdoors, I didn't want Archie or Simba a chance at the poor thing, I figured it was scared enough. The bag went over the trash can and Mary brought the trash can down stairs , I took it outside and released in the grass, It made a mad dash for the tree line. Hopefully not to make a second visit inside our home. A quick lecture on this is what happens when you forget to take food out of your room and the need to keep things picked up was given, will it work, we will just have to wait and see.
The craft room is complete, Mary has been sewing in there and I have been doing some knitting,.I am going to duck out for awhile and I'll get back to you soon.
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
How time flies
August first, the summer has gone by fast.I am savoring the fruits from my garden, a first in a long time.Tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers and onions have survived the blast of heat we had. also a few small green peppers.I am making some zucchini bread and enjoying fresh tomato sandwiches. will be trying my hand at fried tomatoes too.
Car problems abound, hubby took his car in last week to get brakes fixed and the radiator flushed, well the brakes was in pretty sad shape, and last night our mechanic had to come pick up the car because the radiator was losing anti-freeze, hubby put a whole galleon in only to watch it go straight through on to the driveway. So it means early mornings for me once again as I run hubby to work, he could take my car , but than he wouldn't get any lunch. I bring him a hot lunch everyday. Kinda got him spoiled and he enjoys having something hot to eat instead of a cold lunch or a trip to the store next door to get deli stuff.
Our 19th Anniversary is coming up on August 16th. doesn't seem that long, (although hubby says different), we have been through a lot together. We have a lot to be thankful for many good times ahead.
The craft room is complete, all the necessary furniture is there. and Mary has been sewing up a storm.I have some yarn to wind into balls and a few books to put on shelves, other than that we are enjoying the space.We got shelves from the Habitat for Humanity store, only to find out it was too tall for the space we had, (sloped roof) so we exchanged it for the book shelf I have in the kitchen for my cookbooks works better and I was forced to go through the books and donate some I don't use or want.Didn't hurt at all, was a gentle reminder that I don't need to buy anymore cookbooks. I am thinking Of going back to bed for a little while, got up at 4:30am to take hubby to work and I have a bad case of the Yarns, here at 6:00am. just an hour should do it. ducking on out talk to you later.
Car problems abound, hubby took his car in last week to get brakes fixed and the radiator flushed, well the brakes was in pretty sad shape, and last night our mechanic had to come pick up the car because the radiator was losing anti-freeze, hubby put a whole galleon in only to watch it go straight through on to the driveway. So it means early mornings for me once again as I run hubby to work, he could take my car , but than he wouldn't get any lunch. I bring him a hot lunch everyday. Kinda got him spoiled and he enjoys having something hot to eat instead of a cold lunch or a trip to the store next door to get deli stuff.
Our 19th Anniversary is coming up on August 16th. doesn't seem that long, (although hubby says different), we have been through a lot together. We have a lot to be thankful for many good times ahead.
The craft room is complete, all the necessary furniture is there. and Mary has been sewing up a storm.I have some yarn to wind into balls and a few books to put on shelves, other than that we are enjoying the space.We got shelves from the Habitat for Humanity store, only to find out it was too tall for the space we had, (sloped roof) so we exchanged it for the book shelf I have in the kitchen for my cookbooks works better and I was forced to go through the books and donate some I don't use or want.Didn't hurt at all, was a gentle reminder that I don't need to buy anymore cookbooks. I am thinking Of going back to bed for a little while, got up at 4:30am to take hubby to work and I have a bad case of the Yarns, here at 6:00am. just an hour should do it. ducking on out talk to you later.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Thursday already?
Yes, it's been awhile since my last post and I am sorry about that. No excuse really. So shall we try try to get caught up with the goings on at the Phipps house.Lets' see In June Dani decided to move to Louisana, she left officially July11. and Meg and Rob have moved upstairs to the apartment. (Things are going well, the apartment looks gorgeous under Meg's hand.) Lilly is staying with grandparents for a month while Dani gets settle in Louisana.
That means two things our house is quieter and Mary and I have a craft room.We have started putting things in the room, today was spent getting chairs, lamps and a cutting mat for sewing and quilting.We have table and sewing machine, one chair, a single bed , dresser and some cubes for storage.New curtains need to be put up and we are gathering all the craft supplies from around the house, I have more yarn than I thought, although the Sheep and Wool festival is coming up in September , I won't be getting much more until some of this is made into things .We still need a bookcase for our craft books , both Mary and I have quite a few. We have been able to get most of the furnishing from St. Vincents de Paul, and lots of coupons for places, like Joanne Fabrics and Wisconsin Craft Market, so things like the cutting mat was half priced. The lamps were $7.00and the glider rocker, I want to use for my knitting chair was $15.00, I got a good buy on thermal curtains lined. for $9.00 a panel.from Shopko.The other chairs and table and the sewing machine where things we had already.
Other news , I am a greatgrand aunt again to a little girl named Kameron Jillany Crase, Jacob and Mckenzie second child. Born on July 5, 2012.My sister, Kathleen, (Kitty) is a happy great grand ma.
I have been working on a light pink baby blanket which I need to finish up.
WE have had more than our share of hot weather , drought conditions, pretty bad, The weather broke last night with a huge thunderstorm, and it rained all night, which we needed. Our front yard has patches of green grass among the dead patches. Hopefully we will have more rain and things will green up again, I pitty the farmers in the area, Overheard at the local library "the corn isn't even good enough for silage', that's pretty bad.Well pictures will follow soon so I'll duck on out for tonight talk to you soon. Kris
That means two things our house is quieter and Mary and I have a craft room.We have started putting things in the room, today was spent getting chairs, lamps and a cutting mat for sewing and quilting.We have table and sewing machine, one chair, a single bed , dresser and some cubes for storage.New curtains need to be put up and we are gathering all the craft supplies from around the house, I have more yarn than I thought, although the Sheep and Wool festival is coming up in September , I won't be getting much more until some of this is made into things .We still need a bookcase for our craft books , both Mary and I have quite a few. We have been able to get most of the furnishing from St. Vincents de Paul, and lots of coupons for places, like Joanne Fabrics and Wisconsin Craft Market, so things like the cutting mat was half priced. The lamps were $7.00and the glider rocker, I want to use for my knitting chair was $15.00, I got a good buy on thermal curtains lined. for $9.00 a panel.from Shopko.The other chairs and table and the sewing machine where things we had already.
Other news , I am a greatgrand aunt again to a little girl named Kameron Jillany Crase, Jacob and Mckenzie second child. Born on July 5, 2012.My sister, Kathleen, (Kitty) is a happy great grand ma.
I have been working on a light pink baby blanket which I need to finish up.
WE have had more than our share of hot weather , drought conditions, pretty bad, The weather broke last night with a huge thunderstorm, and it rained all night, which we needed. Our front yard has patches of green grass among the dead patches. Hopefully we will have more rain and things will green up again, I pitty the farmers in the area, Overheard at the local library "the corn isn't even good enough for silage', that's pretty bad.Well pictures will follow soon so I'll duck on out for tonight talk to you soon. Kris
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Things I forgot!!
Mother's day was nice Mary took me to Lucy's for a Prime Rib dinner and we went to some craft and bookstores. For my 55 birthday my hubby gave me a set of 14 inch rosewood knitting needles and 13 skeins of amazing Yarn in the colorway Mauna Loa , this yarn is made by Lion Brand.I have a nice sweater pattern picked out to use it with, just as soon as soon as I finish the Baby blanket, since Mary's birthday is the 3rd and mine is the 7th , we went to the Cladaugh Pub for lunch and dessert .
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
June 19 th It's a very hot Tuesday.
Yes, I have been away for awhile, I got caught up doing other things and am a recovering Facebook junkie, for shame, better now, I hope. The last two months have had their share of excitement. Mary had testing done and we have discovered she has a problem, nothing that will cause physical pain or sickness but problems with communicating with others. It's a work in progress , Chuck and I had problems with a friend's brother and sister-in-law, the friend is in assisted living, her sister-in-law doesn't want her to have contact with us , says we cause problems.The brother finally put his foot down and things are getting better.(HenPecked).
Mary's birthday present is arriving today and Mary and her brother Rob, are waiting impatiently for the UPS driver to pull into the driveway, Rob and Mary will be building Mary's computer. The reasoning behind building one or buying a complete system is the ability to expand and not having to use brand specific parts.Rob was up early setting up the assembly area in the workshop and turning on the air conditioning in the shop. It's quite warm today 90 degrees Fahrenheit , humid as all get out.
Mary is now 18 , has her driving permit and has had her first lesson, according to dad it went well, Mary on the other hand ....., she will be ready to vote come September. She is working on a friends birthday presents, hand made of course,doing a bit of depression lace on a piece she is doing. I'll be able to tell you more after July.
I am working on a baby blanket, have 23 inches to go 13 done, got till the end of the month to finish it, crossing fingers and toes I'll get it done, pattern is a broken rib stitch, with 3 strands of Bernat's Baby sport in a light pink, gauge is 4stitches to one inches across and 6 rows to an inch , 138 rows left, approx. 17,560 stitches. groan, shouldn't have done the math.
I am waiting for the repairman to get here as my gas oven is on the fritz, the stove top works fine.When you want something it takes forever.Soon very soon. the pictures are from top to bottom, A jack-in the -pulpit, a rose from the bush I have and some carnations that Meghan planted. I need to share the Clemantis and the others soon. Ducking on out for now.
Mary's birthday present is arriving today and Mary and her brother Rob, are waiting impatiently for the UPS driver to pull into the driveway, Rob and Mary will be building Mary's computer. The reasoning behind building one or buying a complete system is the ability to expand and not having to use brand specific parts.Rob was up early setting up the assembly area in the workshop and turning on the air conditioning in the shop. It's quite warm today 90 degrees Fahrenheit , humid as all get out.
Mary is now 18 , has her driving permit and has had her first lesson, according to dad it went well, Mary on the other hand ....., she will be ready to vote come September. She is working on a friends birthday presents, hand made of course,doing a bit of depression lace on a piece she is doing. I'll be able to tell you more after July.
I am working on a baby blanket, have 23 inches to go 13 done, got till the end of the month to finish it, crossing fingers and toes I'll get it done, pattern is a broken rib stitch, with 3 strands of Bernat's Baby sport in a light pink, gauge is 4stitches to one inches across and 6 rows to an inch , 138 rows left, approx. 17,560 stitches. groan, shouldn't have done the math.
I am waiting for the repairman to get here as my gas oven is on the fritz, the stove top works fine.When you want something it takes forever.Soon very soon. the pictures are from top to bottom, A jack-in the -pulpit, a rose from the bush I have and some carnations that Meghan planted. I need to share the Clemantis and the others soon. Ducking on out for now.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
A lot late, but what the hey
It has been a very busy time , since my last post. I've been in and out of the hospital and had a tooth pulled and we have been doing testing with Mary and than my hubby found out he had a "new" sister.
Illinois's law makers released their adoption records and Bonnie found out that Ned was her father, How it started was a strange phone message, left by Ed, Bonnie's hubby , he started out saying that this was not a telemarketer and that they didn't want anything, hmm, than he stated that Bonnie was adopted and they found out that Ned was her father, and that they had talked to John , hubby's older bother. That scared Bonnie from wanting anything to do with the family, but he was calling my hubby, Chuck, to find out how he felt about things, I called them back and said that Chuck and Janet weren't anything like John, and Chuck called Bonnie when he got home from work.
We met Bonnie and Ed in Lake Geneva, about halfway, between there home and ours. She definitely is a member of the family from her Strawberry blond hair and blue eyes to the same type of humor and love of puns.We have been busy chatting with her and learning more about her. Janet is pleased and we aren't telling John.The pictures are of Chuck and Bonnie and Chuck , Mary and Bonnie, and Mary' finished Minnesota Blizzard Quilt. Hopefully more pictures will follow. I ma being paged by the dog, he needs to go out. So ducking out for now. Talk to you later.
Illinois's law makers released their adoption records and Bonnie found out that Ned was her father, How it started was a strange phone message, left by Ed, Bonnie's hubby , he started out saying that this was not a telemarketer and that they didn't want anything, hmm, than he stated that Bonnie was adopted and they found out that Ned was her father, and that they had talked to John , hubby's older bother. That scared Bonnie from wanting anything to do with the family, but he was calling my hubby, Chuck, to find out how he felt about things, I called them back and said that Chuck and Janet weren't anything like John, and Chuck called Bonnie when he got home from work.
Thursday, March 08, 2012
Is Spring really here?
Or is it some type of cruel joke nature is playing on us. March in Wisconsin is like that, sunny and warm one day and snowy and bitterly cold the next. Yesterday we had rain , most of the snow we had is now gone, we had lots of thunder, not so much lightening. I have the kitchen window open and Archie is sitting on his perch gazing longingly at the birds which are chirping loudly. Pretty soon it will "lay in the sun" in the living room window time. Oh ,to be a cat!
Still knitting, have a few projects going, also thinking of spring cleaning , rearranging the stash, almost city wide garage sale time and farmer's market opening. Hubby's car is still in the shop, the mechanic says he needs a new rack and pinion system, and possible a new fuel pump, groan (Darn, that cuts into my stash budget for the year), better to have him safe and sound.Mary also hinted that for her 18th birthday present she would like a new computer. Hers tends to over heat and since it's a laptop her battery life is just about nil, down to 20 minutes.It's about three years old and has been used everyday.
Well going to stop for now , must do laundry and other housework type things. Ducking on out, TTFN.
Still knitting, have a few projects going, also thinking of spring cleaning , rearranging the stash, almost city wide garage sale time and farmer's market opening. Hubby's car is still in the shop, the mechanic says he needs a new rack and pinion system, and possible a new fuel pump, groan (Darn, that cuts into my stash budget for the year), better to have him safe and sound.Mary also hinted that for her 18th birthday present she would like a new computer. Hers tends to over heat and since it's a laptop her battery life is just about nil, down to 20 minutes.It's about three years old and has been used everyday.
Well going to stop for now , must do laundry and other housework type things. Ducking on out, TTFN.
Saturday, March 03, 2012
Saturday Sunshine
We were fortunate to do most of our running yesterday before the winter storm hit. Had to take Mary to Sauk Prairie to the doctors for some fasting blood work, she was not a happy camper about having nothing to eat after 8:00pm the night before. We were able to be back home by 9:30, and than a big breakfast. This morning it's like pulling teeth I can't get her up!!Hopefully I won't have to go the bright lights and air horn method, I hate using water it makes a soggy mess.Be right back, final yell before drastic measures.Well will see if I have to go back.
Rob has started back for another term at college, says the classes are easy ones, this time around, another will see by the end of the term. Mary has final year course selection March 14 in Madison. Busy busy. We will done to one vehicle for awhile, hubby is taking his car into get fixed ,might take a bit. Means getting up at 4:30am to get him to work and picking him up at 4:00pm.Could be worse.
The sun and I are not friends today, just too bright against the snow, and I have a migraine left over from last night. well I am going to go my recliner and rest a bit , I'll be talking to you later.Have a good one.
Rob has started back for another term at college, says the classes are easy ones, this time around, another will see by the end of the term. Mary has final year course selection March 14 in Madison. Busy busy. We will done to one vehicle for awhile, hubby is taking his car into get fixed ,might take a bit. Means getting up at 4:30am to get him to work and picking him up at 4:00pm.Could be worse.
The sun and I are not friends today, just too bright against the snow, and I have a migraine left over from last night. well I am going to go my recliner and rest a bit , I'll be talking to you later.Have a good one.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Monday morning, painful
Here I sit at the computer again, thinking how to start this day out, It's weird weather again. Gloomy and gray and breezy. Suppose to clear up by midday ,will see.
Woke up this morning with 9.5 on the Richter scale for a headache. Nasty migraines, still have plenty of stuff that needs to be gotten done before I head for the dark room and my bed.This headache doesn't like noise so the house is pretty much quiet except for the ticking of a clock and the furnace turning on and off. Very sensitive hearing today. Did take Mary to the Chiropractor, told him that I may seem him later on. Dr. Tom is real gentle with me , he knows I am afraid to have my mid -back adjusted , (I have had a heart valve replacement and my chest is wired shut).
On the knitting front, working on my first pair of socks and a my umpteenth hat. Well because of head pain I'm making this short and sweet. I 'll talk to you later.
Woke up this morning with 9.5 on the Richter scale for a headache. Nasty migraines, still have plenty of stuff that needs to be gotten done before I head for the dark room and my bed.This headache doesn't like noise so the house is pretty much quiet except for the ticking of a clock and the furnace turning on and off. Very sensitive hearing today. Did take Mary to the Chiropractor, told him that I may seem him later on. Dr. Tom is real gentle with me , he knows I am afraid to have my mid -back adjusted , (I have had a heart valve replacement and my chest is wired shut).
On the knitting front, working on my first pair of socks and a my umpteenth hat. Well because of head pain I'm making this short and sweet. I 'll talk to you later.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Friday, snow,, interesting.
I am sitting at my desk in the kitchen, working on a grocery list and my posting , when Archie comes in and bats the water bowl sending water all over the place, and then his food dish, (sorry cat, same food as yesterday, dry mix) and than tries to cover them up by scratching the floor in front of his food dish. (sorry , still see it). Concerning Archie, I came down stairs this morning to find a ball of Sugar and Cream hat I had left over from knitting a dish cloth strung out from the Living room through the Dining room and into the Kitchen, said cat looking at me like "whoops I been caught sorry about that, actually it was Spazzy"
Spazzy's place to eat her treats is on my desk, Archie leaves her alone there so she can eat in peace, she doesn't mind me sitting here working on the computer , she just flicks her tail in my face if I am bothering her.
It's snowing out now, just a dusting but the wind is picking up and the temps are dropping, now , I think I would like to be with Stephanie Pearl-Mcphee in the Dominican Republic, nice and toasty, with warm breezes and sunshine, well here I sit in the "frozen tundra" we call Wisconsin, sigh. Darling Daughter Sarah is laughing at me from Austin,oh well , wait till this summer.
I have chosen two projects to work, for the next month, year, whatever it takes me, a sweater vest called Azteca from "Creative Knits"done in a heathered green and socks, oh , hmm the issue the sweater is in March of 2012.Back to the needles and such, also today is Malt Friday, making a chocolate malt for hubbys lunch, personally hot chocolate would be better, it's cold out there.Well TTFN.
Spazzy's place to eat her treats is on my desk, Archie leaves her alone there so she can eat in peace, she doesn't mind me sitting here working on the computer , she just flicks her tail in my face if I am bothering her.
It's snowing out now, just a dusting but the wind is picking up and the temps are dropping, now , I think I would like to be with Stephanie Pearl-Mcphee in the Dominican Republic, nice and toasty, with warm breezes and sunshine, well here I sit in the "frozen tundra" we call Wisconsin, sigh. Darling Daughter Sarah is laughing at me from Austin,oh well , wait till this summer.
I have chosen two projects to work, for the next month, year, whatever it takes me, a sweater vest called Azteca from "Creative Knits"done in a heathered green and socks, oh , hmm the issue the sweater is in March of 2012.Back to the needles and such, also today is Malt Friday, making a chocolate malt for hubbys lunch, personally hot chocolate would be better, it's cold out there.Well TTFN.
Thursday, February 02, 2012
6 more weeks of winter.
News Flash!!..... Punxsutawney Phil has declared there will be 6 more weeks of winter. Oh well , we will enjoy our January thaw and get back to winter next week. More to come.....
Found a good buy on sock yarn at Joanne Fabrics in Madison, I called the previous day and asked if they had this type and colorway, the gal went and looked and said that they didn't have it, something just didn't sit right with me, I thanked her and finished what I was doing.The next day Mary and I headed in for some grocery shopping, and since I was in the neighborhood, I stopped in at that Joannes and looked at their sock yarn,lo and behold there was the brand and the colorway I wanted. hmmmm. I kept quiet about it till now. Of course, I bought the yarn and a few more other skeins. You know sock yarn doesn't count toward stash.
Well I admitted defeat and the critters never did bring back my MP3 player hubby ordered me a new one from Overstock, should be here Tuesday, I miss having it where I can listen to the radio anytime I want. Kinda reminds me of my first transistor radio, I remember carrying it around for a long time when I was a kid.You had only one ear phone and that wasn't the best quality. Well stopping for now have to make a trip to the local meat market and grocery store. TTFN.
Found a good buy on sock yarn at Joanne Fabrics in Madison, I called the previous day and asked if they had this type and colorway, the gal went and looked and said that they didn't have it, something just didn't sit right with me, I thanked her and finished what I was doing.The next day Mary and I headed in for some grocery shopping, and since I was in the neighborhood, I stopped in at that Joannes and looked at their sock yarn,lo and behold there was the brand and the colorway I wanted. hmmmm. I kept quiet about it till now. Of course, I bought the yarn and a few more other skeins. You know sock yarn doesn't count toward stash.
Well I admitted defeat and the critters never did bring back my MP3 player hubby ordered me a new one from Overstock, should be here Tuesday, I miss having it where I can listen to the radio anytime I want. Kinda reminds me of my first transistor radio, I remember carrying it around for a long time when I was a kid.You had only one ear phone and that wasn't the best quality. Well stopping for now have to make a trip to the local meat market and grocery store. TTFN.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Sunday, down and out.
Here I sit in my recliner.Sharing it with my computer and the cat. My gout has flared up, and I am not going anywhere I really don't need to. Gout is a funny thing most people think you get from any rich foods, it's a build up of uric acids in the joints and causes crystals to form. Did you know that stress along with things like coffee and soda can also cause it? Me neither, mine came as a result of a unpleasant experience of blood clots in the bladder caused by radiation to such area.Uric, urine back up. No more said. hurts like having a 2lb jelly jar fall on your foot repeatedly.
The cat has moved, too much room being taking up by feet to suit his taste, calling DD to take said cat off of kitchen counter. He knows he isn't suppose to be up there.Never stops him though.Hubby is teaching the engraver a new language, Thai, a company requested some nameplates/tags for their machines.Should be interesting translating it in to the required commands needed.
On the knitting front, working on some things for the Farmer's market and cleaning out the garage. Meg wants to use it for her car.Okay with me it's getting everything out of there. I am going to have to call our recycling man have him come and pick up some of the things. Can't wait for spring, it's been a strange winter, and next week is our January thaw, weather is suppose to be in the 40's. the February's cold blast.
Talking about a garden and setting some flowers in the yard. see what this year brings.Oh with cleaning out the garage is an area we can set up the knitting machine and have space to leave a long table up for crafting .
Stopping for now will pop in later. ttfn,
The cat has moved, too much room being taking up by feet to suit his taste, calling DD to take said cat off of kitchen counter. He knows he isn't suppose to be up there.Never stops him though.Hubby is teaching the engraver a new language, Thai, a company requested some nameplates/tags for their machines.Should be interesting translating it in to the required commands needed.
On the knitting front, working on some things for the Farmer's market and cleaning out the garage. Meg wants to use it for her car.Okay with me it's getting everything out of there. I am going to have to call our recycling man have him come and pick up some of the things. Can't wait for spring, it's been a strange winter, and next week is our January thaw, weather is suppose to be in the 40's. the February's cold blast.
Talking about a garden and setting some flowers in the yard. see what this year brings.Oh with cleaning out the garage is an area we can set up the knitting machine and have space to leave a long table up for crafting .
Stopping for now will pop in later. ttfn,
Monday, January 02, 2012
R.I.P. David Beckett
On a sad note , my cousin David Beckett passed away on Christmas Day, doing what he loved , directing his church choir. His funeral will be Thursday January 5, 2012 , at 10:00am at Sacred Heart Parish of Ocean Beach In San Diego Cali. He will be sadly missed. His beautiful voice , his wit and his wisdom. He leaves behind a daughter , Meryn Beckett. Please think of his family during this time. Meryn will be graduating from the Boston Conservatory of Music this Spring.
Sure doesn't seem like Monday, more like a Sunday. Work tomorrow and Library for Mary which are Monday things, not Tuesday. We have had a few days of windy, cold weather , not much snow to speak of. The wind chill got down as far as 5 above 0. Tuesday promises to be warmer and not so windy. It's a good thing because I need to go to Arlington to look at a some bookcases and office chairs that someone has put on free cycle. I hopefully will come home with a office chair and a book case, giving chuck back his office chair and a bookcase for my knitting and craft books.
The Green Bay Packers won against the Detroit Lions and So far the Badgers are holding their own against the Oregon Ducks in the Rose Bowl.At present they are tied.
Finished the Parisian slouch hat and working on some matching gauntlets, a Christmas present gone crazy.Have some what cleaned up my craft area,(bedroom) Now I am sharing it with a cat, who is in heat, poor Spazzy, (we will take her to get spade soon.) She has gone in heat more times last year than she has in the previous 3years combined.Time to finish up supper dishes and settle down to finish current project.Ducking on out. TTFN.
The Green Bay Packers won against the Detroit Lions and So far the Badgers are holding their own against the Oregon Ducks in the Rose Bowl.At present they are tied.
Finished the Parisian slouch hat and working on some matching gauntlets, a Christmas present gone crazy.Have some what cleaned up my craft area,(bedroom) Now I am sharing it with a cat, who is in heat, poor Spazzy, (we will take her to get spade soon.) She has gone in heat more times last year than she has in the previous 3years combined.Time to finish up supper dishes and settle down to finish current project.Ducking on out. TTFN.
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About Me
- kristy
- Married to DH for 19 years, have 3 children 35, 32 and 18, 2 cats and a dog.