Life has been interesting at the Phipps household, Just as soon as my niece invited us for Christmas at her home, than Chuck's company decides to do overtime, which is nice since we are a bit strapped for cash. But this means that if I go I either go alone or with Mary. In this case it was with Mary,The trip was pretty uneventful, we had a dusting of snow on Saturday the 17, and the majority of the roads we traveled where clear, We did run into a down power line in the Village of Lone Rock, and the roads we went were well maintained but just as soon as we left the village, back on the highway it was cleared until we got into Muscoda, the streets hadn't been touched and made for some interesting going for the little amount that was on the ground, went to turn onto Becky's street and almost sled into the cemetery, a little unnerving, backup and went very slow down to her driveway, the streets where packed snow. The unique part is on our way home, the snow was almost gone, melted away, just a few hours later.Christmas will be a quiet affair here, presents opened on Christmas Eve and snacks and games , Christmas will be a simple dinner and the Packer vs Bears football game Chuck has to work on Christmas Eve day and the Monday after Christmas.For New Year's Eve he gets New year' day off and the Monday. The office people are getting 2 --4 day vacations .Means less cleaning for Mary and me.
I've learnt a hard lesson, do not put of going to see the dentist, I had two broken molars that ended getting pulled and a tooth that almost needed a root canal, ended up with a sore mouth and a huge bruise on my cheek and bleeding that stops and starts. Thank heavens for tea bags, the tannin in the tea helps clots to form.Makes me really crabby, spent Tuesday night sitting up trying to get the bleeding to stop.I still need sleep and I am not getting my knitting done.
The Yarn Harlot has a good idea with the gift ideas I like most of them, I think my family needs to read the ones about doing things for your knitter so she has time to knit. (Hint, Hint).
Still haven't found my MP3 player, found my earphones and my glasses. oh well still looking
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