Monday, January 02, 2012

R.I.P. David Beckett

On a sad note , my cousin David Beckett passed away on Christmas Day, doing what he loved , directing his church choir. His funeral will be Thursday January 5, 2012 , at 10:00am at Sacred Heart Parish of Ocean Beach In San Diego Cali. He will be sadly missed. His beautiful voice , his wit and his wisdom. He leaves behind a   daughter , Meryn Beckett. Please think of his family during this time. Meryn will be graduating from the Boston Conservatory of Music this Spring.


AlisonH said...

I actually think I know where that church is there... Oh honey. I'm so sorry you lost him. My prayers go with you.

MichelleZandonatti said...

Dear Kristy,

I am a member of Sacred Hearth Church in Ocean Beach, but must say I have been missing a lot of church. I remember seeing mention of David's passing in an email, but did not really know what had happened. Went to church last Sunday eve and wondered again, so did another search and found your blog comment. He was a great leader of all of the choirs and I know the church will miss him dearly. That is sad that he died on Christmas day though.

Prayers to you and his family too,


About Me

Married to DH for 19 years, have 3 children 35, 32 and 18, 2 cats and a dog.